Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prayer....valuable or not?

So, a friend of mine brought to my attention a news article in the Daily Gamecock entitled "Though healthy, prayer won't solve problems." Hmm...so of course I read the article. The author is a self-proclaimed atheist who, from the title, seems like she will be respectfully explain her thoughts. Initially, it comes off this way, but into the article it seems more like she's attacking the idea that prayer is more than just meditation and can actually work. As is the case with most self-proclaimed, extremely outspoken atheists, she seems like she's just angry and is writing this article with the intent of making Christians mad and hoping they will argue back. On the initial read-through, her mission was accomplished. I was frustrated by what she said and disagreed, but was not angry at what she was saying about Christians. What made me mad was that she was completely discrediting the power of God, which of course was her whole goal. So, instead of writing back to her or commenting on her article, I decided to air out my thoughts here :)

For starters, all of this article stems from Justin Bieber. Really? Great start. He apparently has a song entitled "pray" in which he describes various situations around the world in which he feels powerless to help so he prays. The girl goes on to criticize his music video and says essentially that the only disparities he even encounters are those he's forced to encounter to make him look like a philanthropist in the eye of the media. How does she know?? She doesn't. Sounds to me like she has a problem with Justin and the media.

Next, she says that prayer is nothing but an idea of hoping, not any form of action. She questions why "we" are instilling in the minds of young people that prayer is a way to help resolve hunger, homelessness, diseases in other countries, etc. (Using the word "we" groups her and Justin Bieber together, just saying) If we're talking about young people, what do you expect them to do? Jump on a flight to Africa at age 13 and solve the worlds problems?? Because that's totally within their power. (heavy sarcasm) This next sentence I simply could not paraphrase, I have to include it in quotes:

"This song is a slap in the face to all of those who work for reform — and I
include those who happen to be Christian and work for positive change because I
guarantee any success they’ve gained is not due to falling on their knees in
submission to God." -Emily Shipp, The Daily Gamecock

It's so interesting to me that she "guarantees" that prayer had nothing to do with these things. How did she get that guarantee? I'd love to see her proof. Many people who don't believe in God, don't believe because there "is no proof". Interesting that she claims to have such proof. \

Her closing statement is this:

The whole idea of prayer as a solution is absurd, Bieber Fever is making me
sick and as of now, I am patiently awaiting the next global hit, “Find Practical
Ways to Solve Problems.” - Emily Shipp, The Daily Gamecock

I have seen and encountered and LIVED so many examples in life in which prayer is not only a solution, it is the only solution. I have seen miracles ranging from God providing money in times of need to overcoming the impossible in my friend with her battle of cancer. So, there is no way that anyone can convince me that prayer is not a solution and is not powerful. It's my desire that everyone, including Miss Shipp, would even TRY prayer in their lives and experience the life-changing power of it. Prayer is not just saying words and hoping they'll land somewhere in the universe. It's a conversation with the One who created us! The One who chose to put us on this earth and wants us to come to him with everything in our lives, great or small! It's a privilege and it really works!

It seems that Miss Shipp has a lot more going on than just being bothered by one of Justin Bieber's songs. If she didn't like it, turn it off and be done with it. If she doesn't believe in Christianity, then calmly disagree and state your opinions in a way that is matter-of-fact without trying to anger every Christian out there. I'd love to know why she is atheist because chances are there is something under the surface that she hasn't yet dealt with. Food for thought.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day....

I may be the only person who reads this, but it's just nice to type out my thoughts today!

So, it's Valentine's Day. If you're married, engaged, dating, etc., you have probably already spent a good amount of money, made some good plans, bought cards, or just done something thoughtful for that special person. If you're single, maybe you have chosen to have a friend be your valentine, sent cards to family members, friends, etc., but one thing is for sure, you have probably saved some serious money! Another thing is certain, you're expected to be mouring on this dark day of alone-ness, a/k/a Single Awareness Day. Last year on this day, that certainly was me. The cynical, mourning, feeling-sorry-for-myself girl, hating everyone who had a valentine. I think high calorie fried food, sweets, and a sappy depressing chick flick filled up my valentine's evening last year, counting down the hours til Feb. 15. Especially after seeing the movie "Valentine's Day" where Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Garner end up together, Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner are too cute to be real, and all the bad people in the movie end up alone. Talk about depressing for a single girl!

THANKFULLY, this year has been the total opposite!! I decided last week that I was going to make a 3-layer red velvet cake for the first time to bring in to the office, for those of us who don't get roses delivered today. So, yesterday I spent hours going to 4 grocery stores to find food coloring, making the cake, making the icing, and putting the whole thing together. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was finally done, and resisted the urge to take a bite. In between all the cooking, I had a Single Ladies valentine's dinner with some wonderful girls in my sunday school class, and it was sooo much fun. Just getting to hang out and chat and get to know each other better was a great start to valentine's day.

This morning, I woke up to a text from my dad and this text from the beautiful Lauren Dean:
"How beautiful you are and how pleasing, my love, with your delights!" Song of
Solomon 7:6 Happy Valentine's Day from the One who taught us to love!
As I was leaving for work, I had all of my stuff together, my cake with me, and the 2 valentines I got in the mail so I could open them at work. To my surprise, when I got to the car, there was another card on my window waiting for me. All three cards were so wonderful and were enough to completely make my valentine's day amazing. Having one card from my dad is always great, but especially this year because he's been traveling across the world for the past 2 weeks and still managed to make sure my valentine got to me today! Then, I opened the card that was on my car and it was just so thoughtful, it absolutely made my day. And of course the card from MC was just perfect and sassy, it made me feel great :) The cake at work was a huge hit, the plate was completely empty by lunchtime! Seeing all the deliveries for the ladies in the office has been really fun!

As if all of this wasn't great enough, I got a phone call from my dad (in Turkey) at lunch time, just "calling to tell all his girls happy valentine's day"!!!! I was sooo excited. I just got on twitter a few minutes ago and saw the SWEETEST valentine's gesture ever. From Adam of Owl City to Taylor Swift. So stinking sweet. She needs to go for him! THEN I got a contribution toward London. Unbelievable. Tonight I get to celebrate with a group of amazing girls at bible study! It has been such a great valentine's day!!!

I think the key to enjoying valentine's day as a single lady is this: don't focus on what you don't have, but focus on what you DO have!! This is a great philosophy for every day, but especially today it's very important. I mean, yes, I am a single girl, not in a relationship. But, I have the most amazing family I could ever ask for whom I love so very much, I have incredible friends, I have a job that I actually enjoy, great people to spend time with, and most importantly, I have Jesus! This time of singleness, though some see it as a time of punishment, is such a gift! Now, there will be days where I do not feel that way, but for the majority of the time, I am thankful for this time to grow on my own! And hopefully one day I will have a man to make red velvet cake and lasagna for, but until then I am perfectly content :)

So, all this to say....Happy Valentine's Day 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!