Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kentucky '09!

Wow, so 2 months since my last entry?? Crazy.

This past week was the best Kentucky Missions trip I've had out of the 5 I have been on. I try not to compare years as far as programming and all the logistics of the trip, but this year is categorized as the best because of what God did in my heart and life. For one thing, I wasn't working at the church this summer so I didn't have that responsibility to distract me, and God did a wonderful job of taking away any other distractions that would have gotten in my way. So this being the first year I was completely focused on God had a huge impact, as you can imagine. I was SO blessed to be put in the same group I was in last year, and I know God put us all together for a reason. I love each and every person in my group so so so much and wish I could spend everyday with them in the van! We all got along all week, we all focused on our task together, we all worked together, and we all lifted each other up when things got tough. One of the saddest parts of Kentucky being over is how much I miss the van time with my group, especially since I'm not in the same city as them! {If any of yall are reading this, I REALLY love you all!!!}

Our group led vacation bible schools for the kids in Kentucky, at one church in the morning, and one church at night. Our "night church" was actually led at a gym, but God blessed us with some amazing kids and youth. Lots of familiar faces from previous years were there, but also some new faces. When the youth arrived the first night, I was drawn to a girl named Nicole standing by herself. We talked and hung out that night and the rest of the week I wanted to hang out with her and talk to her. She was so sweet and beautiful, but I could tell there was something she was struggling with. The last night we were there, we had a decision service where Andrew talked to the youth about Jesus and his love for us. During the response time Andrew was playing guitar and the rest of us were standing out front singing and God's presence was so thick in that room that there was no one anyone could fight it off! Many people were moved, Nicole included. After the service she and I walked and talked for a long time and she opened up to me about her life. It was such a heart breaking story, but it brought us so much closer. I was so sad to leave her that night, but I pray everyday that God will keep his hand on her and protect her and show her His love.

The church in the morning was an experience in and of itself. It's located minutes away from Moments with the Master camp, so we picked up all the kids from the camp and brought them to bible school along with the kids from the church. We were amazed at how God had blessed us with the kids he brought, but we were about the only ones. As the week went on and VBS continued, the older members of the church (morning church) didn't like the kids we brought down from the camp, didnt like our skits, didn't think we could handle our kids, etc., so they asked us to not come back for the last day of VBS. Instead, for the last day and the decision service, we would be holding VBS at the camp. When we left the church to head to the college (where we were staying) for lunch that day, we all had mixed emotions of confusion, anger, and sadness. Two of the girls that are members at the church were told by their grandmother that they couldn't come to VBS the next day because their grandmother didn't want them to be around us. Right before we got to the college, we pulled the van over in a parking lot and talked through what had happened and Robyn read a passage from Job. It was a perfect passage for the situation we were in, and somehow in the 10 minutes we were pulled over, our entire outlook changed. I told the group about Ashley, the sweet girl from the camp I had spent the week connecting with. She had told me that morning a heartbreaking story from when she was a child. She followed it up by saying "I only tell people I really care about that story." I shared this with the van, and (through tears of course) told them that God had a plan in the events that had happened that morning. He had a reason for the members kicking us out of their church. He had a reason for moving us to the camp, and I was confident (as was the rest of my group) that God was going to do something so unbelieveable the next day. And guess what....He did! Our decision service the next day was so amazing, and God knew that it wouldn't be the same if it had been at the church. The camp is on a huge area of land with a couple of horses, a few ponds, and a few buildings, but God certainly has His hand on that camp. He blessed our service there; we had kids/youth that gave their hearts to Jesus and some who rededicated their lives that morning. And those kids were the very ones that the church didn't think were righteous enough to be in their church building. God did a work that day, and proved to us that no matter what, He was with us and His plan was more than we could ever have imagined!

So, overall, this was just such an amazing experience for me. God blessed me with 2 wonderful girls who have had their share of heartache and unfair struggles, but I was able to get to know them and love them and experience their love for me as well. This is the first year that I've ever gotten close to specific kids at our VBS so I got to experience what I've been missing out on. Continue to pray for those up in Kentucky, especially Nicole and Ashley.

Love you KY 09 Family!!!!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" -Matthew 28:19

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40:31